“Why Trying Harder Doesn’t Work, Dr. Tracy Ware (video)


“Try harder” is a catch phrase ADHD folks hear a lot, but it’s doesn’t work. Tracy Ware, M.D. explains why working memory snafus are the culprit and how current medical logic ignores some important solutions.

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Type the phrases “working memory” and “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” into the search engine at the National Library Medicine and you’ll get more than 300 citations. Research into the connection between working memory deficits and AD/HD has established a new paradigm in which ADHD is seen not as a primary behavior disorder, but rather as a genetically determined, cognitive-developmental disorder.

This new paradigm is sufficiently powerful to explain both the child who forgets to pick up his shoes and the adult executive who struggles to follow the content thread of meetings. It offers straightforward explanations for why children jump to the answer section on tests and why all of those “good ideas” are so challenging to implement and maintain.

Most importantly, this new paradigm has inspired a decade of independent, peer-reviewed, published research on the efficacy of working memory training, and specifically, the efficacy of working memory training in the treatment of symptoms of ADHD. This talkl explains working memory, the connection to ADHD, the evidence for successful intervention with working memory training and the speaker’s experience with post-training work to http://www.hostnine.com/contact/build executive function skills.